Thursday, November 15, 2012


Hello everyone sorry for the radio silence, I finally have DSL again after moving apartments in Madrid. Which means that I finally have the ability to update my blog. So many things have happened that I want to write about. However I am going to first work on a post for my other blog for the Fiesta de Trashmancia that took place on Oct. 28th here in Madrid. Until then I have some photos of new new Barrio, Quintana:
I live directly across from a park now!

The view from my Terraza (balcony)

There are three markets within walking distance.
But Las Ventas is the biggest and closest.

Yes, this is the bull fighting arena, and I do not agree with bull fighting,
but the building is pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you've had a good move !!! I must catch up on what you've been writing....
