Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Challenge accepted - Nativity scene

Recently a certain blogger challenged me (on Christmas eve in the comments) to make a felted nativity scene. I thought about ignoring this challenge as I did not have a lot of time to devote to this. However, I am just as much a sucker for challenges as the next person so I went ahead and started. On Christmas day I got this:

 Which served as a big distraction and occupied two full days of experimentation when ever I could find a free moment.

Then my favorite sister-in-law and partner came for a visit and whilst there were here, it was too cold to be out walking, everything was closed so we got to play around with making felted critters. I was able to finish off the "little lamb" which was all I needed to complete my scene.

Earlier in the month I had made the Christmas trees, the Santa, the snowman, the box, and what was to be the oveja María. When I got the challenge I thought about what I would do. I am not a religious person, meaning I do not belong to a particular faith, so I did not want to do a traditional Belén. So I thought about how importent wool is to me and (maybe) the fact that I already had one sheep, and decided that with what little time I had, I would make a oveja José, and a ovejita Jésus on a bed of straw before the 12th night (January 6th).

To be a true Spanish naivety scene (albet sheep themed) I would have needed to make the three kings, as they are very popular an much more recognized then Santa. Buy, hey, I am an American working with a creative license. Also I believe that the Three Kings did not arrive until the 12th night, so as I finished early I am safe.

I hope that everyone is having Happy Holidays and will have a prosperous New Year!


  1. This came out so cute!

  2. what about the star and the sheperds? It is true that the 3 kings did'nt arrive so early but Saint Nicholai arrived centuries later!!

  3. Wos...just *look at you* !!! You are so very artful, you did manage to make a wee nativity, didn't you? ) The ironic thing is that I'm not at all religious, rather somewhat existentialist in fact)but the charm of the little objects of Christmas , cross culturally, interest me greatly... I bet you feel the same. I love, love, love your felted arrangement Kay. You are amazing. Each year you can add to it , some significant figure. LOvely. Well done !
